Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Thoughts 108: Ideas

" Don't Blame People for Disappointing You, Blame Yourself for expecting Too Much from them".

State of character and moral excellence are concerned with balance, the good and bad, the light and darkness. You will get something in life, it depends on the purity of your intentions and how truly you put efforts to achieve it and how the nature of things follow with your actions. Wish relates rather to the end, choice to the means. We do not act rightly because we have excellence, but we have excellence because we have acted rightly. Actions are the movements of our choices, means to the soul. Any changes must be realized through action, and all actions are derived from feeling and thought. The world us humans perceive is the real world. We learn about Life and nature through experience and the use of our senses and what can be learned from our perceptions of it all.


Food for the Mind
rice with Talangka, small crabs


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