Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Leche Plan Recipe by Abillenette P.

🍮10 egg yolks
🍮1 can nestle condensed milk
🍮1 can carnation evaporated milk
🍮1 tsp vanilla extract
🍮 about a tsp of grated lemon rind
🍮caramel each llanera
3 tbsp caster or white sugar
2 tbsp water

for the caramel:
▪low heat, melt sugar evenly
When sugar starts to caramelize, •light brownish in color, 
▪pour in the water & mix till the toffee melts
Let it cool, set aside.

🔹️egg mixture
In a bowl using wire whisk or hand mixer
▪beat egg yolks
▪pour in condensed and evaporated milk
▪mix well
▪add vanilla and lemon rind
▪mix well to fully incorporate.
Using a fine sieve, 
▪strain mixture into a jug ir bowl
▪cover and rest in the fridge till needed🔹️read Notes.

▪take mixture out from the fridge
🔹️read Notes
▪pour 4 cups per llanera, or less
▪cover with foil

Using a steamer, 
▪pour in water and let boil, on high heat.
When water starts to boil, 
▪adjust to low or turn hob to low heat
▪put/arrange llaneras in 
▪steam for about 45 minutes or toothpick test 

Once cooked, 
▪uncover and let it cool at room temperature
▪cover with cling wrap and let it cool furyher in the fridge
▪transfer to a serving plate 

▪yields about 2-3 llaneras
▪steaming time depends on how much mixture in each llanera, i want mine thicķ so atleast 4 cups per llanera
▪no need to wrap a cloth on the steamer's cover since the llanera's covered with foil

🔹️resting method for egg mixture
▪about 2 days or sooner if you like
▪this is my way to obtain a smooth, texture •no bubbles/holes.
▪I always make the egg mixture ahead of time and just store it in the fridge •kinda lazy way maybe😂till I'm ready to do the caramelized sugar, then steam.
After the rest method, ️
▪DO NOT mix or stir, 
▪slowly pour the mixture on one side of each llaneras, to prevent any bubbles.

▪I don't do or follow the #salain 3-5X thingo, 1 straining is enough.
▪every individual has their way of cooking methods.
▪follow, learn, practice
▪you get to have your own technique one day and don't forget to share it...

Leche Plan

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